Sunday, June 5, 2011

Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound!

Tonight, a wonderful man led the song service with all rich, beautiful, old hymns. I could have just hugged him. How I adore old hymns! Their depth and their meaning and their life altering effects upon my heart as I sing praises to God…

Tonight we were singing Amazing Grace—one of my favorite hymns—and a sudden, quite amazing thought struck me. In this world, I have parted ways, sometimes permanently with fellow Christians. There have been friendships I have lost, old friends who have drifted away, people who have gone on to Heaven, brothers and sisters in Christ who, with differing ways, have parted from our society…young men whom I have loved and lost, or those young men who have loved and lost me…all of them who are no longer a part of my life because of the hindrances of a fallen world… all of them: I shall see again!

It dawned on me as I felt a twinge of pain missing someone or some part of my life now over, that all the happy thoughts I once felt, all the joys of conversation and good tidings, I shall be able to enjoy them again when we all get to Heaven! And oh, how it shall be even better for there among God and all His righteousness we will no longer remember the worldly trials that separated us or kept us apart here on earth! I wish I could share how joyful such a thought is to my heart! Sometimes I wonder, out of all the billions of people created on this earth how was it that I was saved? What a frightening, mind blowing thought when we comprehend how truly blessed we Christians are. What amazing grace that saved a wretch like me!

So to all those brothers and sisters in Christ out there, with whom I no longer share sweet fellowship, I bid you not goodbye, but rather goodnight. For we shall soon meet again Heaven!

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