Sunday, June 5, 2011

Snippets From My Life

Forthwith shall be a string of random, non-connected things which have fluttered upon my brain recently and made some sort of lasting impression upon my consciousness. They vex me greatly and shall not give me rest until I get them out.

Number One~ The Problem of Control

I do believe I have control issues. I never really thought about how greatly such issues bother me, until recently. I absolutely hate it when I reread a blog post and I see a spelling error. It deeply offends me that I had the audacity to be so careless!

They say I am an INFJ...but what if I don't want to be that? What if I want to be an extrovert today? What if I want to be a butterfly? What if I want to be easy going and carefree? What if I want to be cold, calculating, fastidious, and logical? Hm? Tell me! How dare anyone put a label upon me! They say that I shall marry most likely a ESTP...well, what if I don't want to marry an extrovert? What if I don't want to marry a logical, thinking person? I dare say if I don't marry a man who understands a touch of this deep, creative world inside of me I promise you he shall be thrown out the door before he even bends a knee in proposal.

I declare I shall not do what is expected of me! I shall recoil against expectations of society! I shall not be captured and controlled! I shall not be a INFJ if I decide so... Maybe I will be an ABCD...

You see, I have control issues. I want all things in my life to be under order and control. Yet, I absolutely hate to be controlled by others. But I find that I absolutely love people who can take over control when I fizzle out in ridiculous emotion....

Don't you just love looking over yourself, all the things that make you weird, interesting, and incredible...don't you just find it amazing how unique God makes each person?

Number Two~Delightful People

I absolutely love happy people. Back in the day, I use to love people who challenged me, debated with me, and provided a mind stimulating arena of witty banter. Now...I am just tired of it all. I love people who are peaceful, steady, non assuming and not always suspicious... people who don't have to correct everything you say and people who don't feel the need to argue. I love people who, heaven forbid, actually agree with you! And if any arguing does occur it is playful, light, and in the spirit of fun! To all you people who are delightful, especially those whom I spent time with last night, you are the definition of awesome!

Number Three~ My Ponytail
I feel rather famous. In the heritage hall, by the public safety office I noticed the other day after leaving work that in one of those numerous pictures on the wall showing off the personality of Harding, I saw myself! Granted, it was just my ponytail...but still, I saw myself, my sister, and our friend in one of the chapel pictures. I was so tickled. You see, I am now quite famous.

Number Four~Why Cologne is Heaven Sent
This picture has nothing to do with anything. I just like it. So there.
We are serving boys from basketball camp this week. They range from the youthful ages of 12-17. I tell you (and I dearly hope I don't offend the men who read my blog, {if there are any who read a Princess blog haha}) but men are the most adorable creatures in the world! They believe themselves to be so competent and manly... egos as tremendous as Jupiter, yet as fragile as a house of cards. Yet, it seems the more they mess up, the more they try to be this great, macho man, the more endearing they become to us females. I watched these adorable little 15 year old's strut around like they were great men of 30 and I couldn't help but smile. All men are little boys at heart, that's what makes them so appealing to women, I think.

However, boys and men of all ages, should not spend hours in the summer heat physically exerting themselves. Because when they come in the cafeteria to eat they smell worse than the baked ham we serve. And that is saying something!

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