Monday, May 23, 2011

Lesson's From Disney Princesses: Mulan

"Give Men Time To Adapt"
Throughout the ages of history, men have always had much responsibility to carry on their shoulders. They have to work hard, establish careers for themselves, woo and wed an eligible young lady, provide for their families, be strong fathers for their children, loving husbands for their wives, fix cars, take the trash out, squash scary bugs, cook on the grill and, for some of them, they have to lead armies against the invading Huns in ancient China…maybe not all men have to do this, but many do, I am sure. To say the least, men have much on their minds. So when he is completely preoccupied with defending man and country, realize that he may need some time to adapt if you suddenly challenge his reality. For example, if you fall in love with him and he has been thinking throughout your entire friendship that you are a man, don’t expect him to rush into your arms when you announce you are female. Women sometimes have a tendency to go from one idea to the next in swift rapidity. But men are a little different. Give the poor guy time to adjust! And who knows, maybe he will suddenly realize after he discovers you are a woman that, yes, he does indeed love you too! Pet dragon and all!

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