Someday my prince may come. But while he is off fighting dragons and pursuing noble quests which will make him stronger in the Lord, I shall be content to be totally in love and devoted to my Father, the King. For He is the perfect Matchmaker and if the time comes, He will bring me the gift of a best friend, a soul mate, and partner to work in His kingdom. I do not watch longingly out my tower window nor do I keep a weathered eye on the horizon. I will trust in the judgment of my Father. It is not my job find my prince. He will find me when it is time. And until that time, I will still believe in fairytales, I will still dream of love, I will still be a princess of heart. Singlehood is a blessed gift and can be a time of ministry and great, noble purpose. While I remain pure and patient for my betrothed upon this earth, my entire heart and soul belong to the King. In Him I will devote myself, to His service I will work and in Him I shall always delight.
* ____________________________________________________*
- I love art
- I'm impatient
- I like to dream
- I enjoy quiet things
- I am a lazy perfectionist
- I hunger for adventure
- I love making people happy
- I think about very deep things
- I am sarcastic and sometimes mean
- I love laughing and making others laugh
- I have an unfathomable longing for the divine
- I like to make fun of people who are serious or uptight
- I am sometimes a diva and think I should be queen of the universe
- I think a few good friends are better than a million fair weather friends
- It may take a little time to get to know me, but once you have I would climb a giant mountain to just see you smile.
- :)
*Family Dreams*
I want.....
A little girl named Evelyn. I think that is the prettiest name in the world! I will call her Evie for short.
A husband who is a preacher or strong leader in a church. A man who in heavily involved with BEING a Christian not just saying that he is one.
I can't wait to decorate my home. I want a red room. I want a basement with a big TV and soft cozy couches. I want to put old movie posters on the wall and decorate it like an olden time theater. It will be the most awesome movie experience!
I want a dog. A nice big dog that will protect me. Like a German Shepard... And a cat. One that will jump on my lap and cuddle.
I want an espresso machine one day.
I want to take my children to Disney World one day
I secretly think it would be awesome to marry a farmer. Or have a farm with fresh eggs, sprawling acres, and a lilac tree by the kitchen window.
I imagine a peaceful summer afternoon, the windows open, and a beautiful piano melody drifting out upon the breeze .
Above all, I want to cultivate in my future home the feeling of peace, a non chaotic life, a sanctuary, a place of fun, and most importantly a home where God resides.
A little girl named Evelyn. I think that is the prettiest name in the world! I will call her Evie for short.
A husband who is a preacher or strong leader in a church. A man who in heavily involved with BEING a Christian not just saying that he is one.
I can't wait to decorate my home. I want a red room. I want a basement with a big TV and soft cozy couches. I want to put old movie posters on the wall and decorate it like an olden time theater. It will be the most awesome movie experience!
I want a dog. A nice big dog that will protect me. Like a German Shepard... And a cat. One that will jump on my lap and cuddle.
I want an espresso machine one day.
I want to take my children to Disney World one day
I secretly think it would be awesome to marry a farmer. Or have a farm with fresh eggs, sprawling acres, and a lilac tree by the kitchen window.
I imagine a peaceful summer afternoon, the windows open, and a beautiful piano melody drifting out upon the breeze .
Above all, I want to cultivate in my future home the feeling of peace, a non chaotic life, a sanctuary, a place of fun, and most importantly a home where God resides.
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"What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail" ~Dr. Robert Schuller |
I am an INFJ
I am a Melancholy/ Choleric
I Hate....
- Mean comments
- Shopping at malls
- crowds of loud people
- people who are fake, insincere, or hypocrites
- anything that is kitsch, sub par, or shallow
- pop music, Disney channel sitcoms, and consumerism
- flies
- math
- parents who yell at their children in stores
- being alone
- people who text in church
- cold coffee!
I Like.......
- Balloons
- pencils that are really sharp
- shoes
- things that sparkle
- the perfect word that describes a feeling
- making lists
- big fluffy skirts that whirl around you
- lighting things on fire
- finding a text on my phone or a letter in my mail box
- reading the dictionary
- soft, cozy evening
- a good book to lose yourself within
I Love....
- the spirit of little children
- a morning with God
- a good cup of coffee
- laughter
- soft, peaceful afternoons in the summer
- movies that make you cry
- watching a baptism
- my family
- music that stirs the deep passions of the spirit
- a starry night
- the hope of fairy-tales
- When you see God's handiwork in your life
My King and Me
If I was to pick one time in history I could revisit I would go back to the day that Jesus died on the cross. Yes, it would be the most gruesome, horrible, and devastating thing I could probably ever witness. But then, maybe just maybe, I might have a tiny, minuscule, microscopic inkling of the magnitude of what Jesus did for me...and even more, how unworthy I am to deserve it.
I believe with all my heart that God uses the lessons of today to teach us how to receive the blessings of tomorrow. So if you are going through a valley, take heart! Learn what can be learned from your time in the valley and realize that God can work even the most horrid experiences out for your own good. He loves you that much!