Sure, Disney ruined all your expectations of what constitutes reality and make believe. But that aside, there are also some very obvious, and maybe not so obvious lessons to be drawn from the lives of these immortally drawn princesses.
"Never Trust a Liar."
Sure Aladdin and Jasmine DID end up together in the end, but that poor princess had to go through two whole movies of Aladdin lying and keeping secrets from her. True love shouldn’t be like that at all. Never settle for someone who doesn’t keep you close to his heart. You should be able to give your whole trust upon him. Don’t you think you deserve that respect? Of course you do! Because remember all girls are princesses.
The Little Mermaid:
"Believe In Your Dreams."
Ariel sacrificed everything upon the hope of the man she loved. Normally, in real life we would call this something like stupidity. But in magical worlds where we by-pass the typical and follow romantically after the possible, we see a brave young girl, passionately, determinedly following her dreams. She would stop at nothing to bring her dreams into life. We should have the same kind of spirit when we face the Ursula’s of our lives. If we want to become a part of a new world, nothing can stop us but ourselves.
Beauty and the Beast:
"Take a Second Look."
Sure, it’s important to trust your instinct and all that… but where would the beast be if Belle hadn’t taken a second look at him. She learned to see past his frightening exterior and find the true beauty inside of him. Because of her love, the beast was set free. Always give people second chances. Always take a deeper look into the soul of another. You may discover something beautiful, something that wasn’t there before.
"Get Out of Your Tower!"
Sometimes we wait around so long for life to start that we end up waiting our lives away. We have such power stored up inside of us. Such strength! We have the ability to climb out of our towers and discover all the new and exciting dreams which lay in the great unknown world before us!
The Princess and the Frog:
Often times in life we get so caught up with our dreams that we fail to realize that what we really NEED is standing clear in front of us. What truly matters in this life is not what we do, but rather who we love. Share your life with someone special. Share your dreams with them! You might just accidentally meet your prince charming in places you never expected!Hercules:
"Let Your Heart Love."
Sometimes our hearts get broken. Sometimes we give very dear, very fragile parts of our souls away to men who cannot appreciate the beauty of our love. Sometimes it feels better to be alone, because then no one can hurt us. But in isolating our hearts, we experience a deeper hurt and end up doing ourselves worse. After we've had time for our wounds to heal, love again. Give your love to someone worthy, wait till you find him. We were not put on this earth to be islands unto ourselves. We were made to love.
Snow White:
"Never Fall in Love with a Man Who Looks Like He is Wearing Lipstick."
Because that is just plain weird. Also, never fall in love with a man who does nothing but ride around in the woods singing to birds. Men should be men! Rescuing their lady and looking as far from fashion models as possible. Who saved Snow White from the evil witch? The dwarfs. Who rescued Snow White and gave her love and companionship and a home? The dwarfs. What did the Prince do? Find a man who works hard and works hard to find you! You are definitely worth it!
Peter Pan:
"Love is For the Mature."
It is universally known that girls mature faster than boys. Where there are always exceptions to the rule, usually falling in love with a boy who is stuck in Never Never land is never, never a good idea. When a boy enters into a relationships it takes maturity, commitment to one girl (not twenty mermaids, an Indian princess, and a fairy) and an ability to act, when the occasion calls for it, like a respectable grown up. You poor girl will never have the depth of relationship you desperately need if the boy you like has more fun chasing pirates and playing with Indians than focusing on you. So if your love spends his days with his head in the clouds and playing with little boys dressed in animal costumes, it might be best to get on with your life and grow up...because he definitely isn't!
Sleeping Beauty
" ....Because Communication is Always a Good Thing."
For 18 or so years, Aurora lived deep in the forest with three kindly old spinster ladies wholly unaware of the outside world. Longing for the intimate love of having a heart's duets, as exampled to her only by woodland fowl, this princess fell head over heels when she met a dashing young man, Philip, who like her, was wandering around the forest once upon a dream. But then tragedy struck when Aurora couldn't be with Philip because she found out that she was a Princess betrothed to a prince (Philip). And the Philip was broken with grief when he learned he had to marry a princess (Aurora) and he could not be with the mysterious young maiden (Aurora) whom he fell in love with in the woods. (did he ever really catch her name?)
one pricked finger, destroyed dragon, and half-asleep kingdom later it was discovered that Prince Philip was actually betrothed to Princess Aurora the whole time! And they might actually live happily ever after.
Communicate! Know thoroughly the man who you love! Even more important: know who you are! (In Aurora's case, literally.)
Lady and the Tramp
"Protect Your Rep."
This one is simple. Don't go chasing the naughty boys. They are always trouble. Your reputation is as precious as pearls and can be stolen in one day's time. You might end up with a rap sheet like Lady: caught breaking and entering the zoo, defacement of public chickens, being shot at, mooching at restaurants, swindling beavers, spending the night away from home,almost being eaten by a crocodile...etc. So beware naughty boys. Stay away from them. If you don't, you might just end up in the pound or worse!
Pirates of the Caribbean
Accept Your Husband's Career
Carefully consider what kind of profession your husband-to-be is going to have. Remember that you will become a part of his life and will be affected by his job, good or bad. So if your husband's career leaves him with little time to focus on you and the family, little time to be there, emotionally (or physically) and he sometimes may be forced to put in ten years of overtime, maybe reconsider your man. Or at least reconsider marrying him in dramatic romance on the spur of the moment in the middle of a stormy, life-threatening situation as he lay dying.
Robin Hood :
"When Patience Pays Off."
Sometimes in life we are asked to wait for dreams. Perhaps you aren't ready, maybe you have to experience more life, perhaps the man you love is an outlaw and you are waiting for political justice to be served. Whatever the case may be, sometimes you have to wait for the one who is most dear to you. Your nights might feel dark and empty, your heart may sigh many sad words, you may feel like giving up. But never give up. If you are meant to be with your Robin Hood, have faith and patience that things will work out in the end!
"Accept the Loin Cloth."
I am sure when Jane set out with her father to explore Africa and study gorillas she never imagined she would fall in love with an ape man. But as it happened, she did fall for Tarzan and ended up staying with him in the jungles. Oh course their relationship wasn’t perfect at first, there were some things Jane had to teach Tarzan…like human language, the finery of an English education, how to walk up-right and wear clothes …but in the end there was still a wild man spirit inside of Tarzan. I think all men have a touch of Tarzan in them. They grunt and make weird noises. Their dialogue at most times is monosyllabic. They get dirty outside, they look for adventures, they defend their families, work to gain the respect of their fathers, and I am sure if they had the chance most men would love to soar through vines howling like a gorilla. There are things about men that women will never understand. But that is what makes them enduring and intriguing. Remember you can change a man's clothes, give him an education, but inside they are still a wild ape man. Accept the loin cloth!
"How To Avoid Jealousy"
Okay, ladies. We all have felt it. Some of us feel it as sadness and quietly pull out that lace hanker chief to secretly dap our eyes. Others of us, merely shrug off the emotion and pretend we don’t feel the pang of rejection in the pit of our stomachs. And then for others of us still, we like the more efficient, direct route and simply try to assassinate the “other woman.” Okay so maybe Tinker Bell wasn’t using quite honorable tactics when her jealousy over Wendy drove her to murderous means. But really, who has a clear head when the boy we love has forgotten about us to go gallivant with the next, best thing? Feeling jealous, second best, or envious are feelings that we must all endure at some point in our lives. But that doesn’t mean we have to endure it for long! If you are in a Tinker Bell situation, don’t get mad, don’t get sad—get out of there! All of us are beautiful and special in a unique way. If the boy is too blind to see that, or he wears tights (especially if he wears tights) then cut him loose and find people in your life who will make you feel wonderful. You have an extraordinary gift to offer others; you are a princess! There is no need to feel jealous to any one! Remember, boys are great, but you don’t need one in your life to be an amazing, beautiful, and yes, sometimes mischievous, young lady!
"Give Men Time To Adapt"
Throughout the ages of history, men have always had much responsibility to carry on their shoulders. They have to work hard, establish careers for themselves, woo and wed an eligible young lady, provide for their families, be strong fathers for their children, loving husbands for their wives, fix cars, take the trash out, squash scary bugs, cook on the grill and, for some of them, they have to lead armies against the invading Huns in ancient China…maybe not all men have to do this, but many do, I am sure. To say the least, men have much on their minds. So when he is completely preoccupied with defending man and country, realize that he may need some time to adapt if you suddenly challenge his reality. For example, if you fall in love with him and he has been thinking throughout your entire friendship that you are a man, don’t expect him to rush into your arms when you announce you are female. Women sometimes have a tendency to go from one idea to the next in swift rapidity. But men are a little different. Give the poor guy time to adjust! And who knows, maybe he will suddenly realize after he discovers you are a woman that, yes, he does indeed love you too.
Alice in Wonderland:
"I Do Wish I Hadn't Cried So Much..."
I know there wasn’t really a love story in Alice in Wonderland. But we as young girls can take a lesson from silly Alice. Yes, it was rather confusing being in a place where food made you sprout up and down like a befuddled flower. And yes, being lost in a magical world of twaddle, faddle, and malarkey can sometimes make a curious spirit indulge in the wrong emotions. Where it is fun to have adventures, we must always remember to use a good amount of sense and not give in to silly emotions. Being sensible it just something a clever princess likes to have. For it would be wise to heed the words of dear Alice, “Good advice. If I listened earlier, I wouldn't be here. But that's just the trouble with me. I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it.”