Saturday, June 18, 2011

God Knows Best...

Do you ever have those periods in your life where you feel so strongly that God is testing you? Or perhaps there is a Jobish quality to the caving ruination that suddenly tumbles down around your confused spirit. And part of you is frustrated with the challenges of faith set before you…and then, depending on what temptation arises, another part of you wants to indulge in it. Maybe you don’t realize you want to. Say for instance, worrying…of course if you logically thought about it, you wouldn’t want to worry….but you find yourself always drawn back in those temporary states of atheism….where you plunge into doubt and fear and worry forgetting that there is a God in control….and where do such absorbing, debilitating occupations have place in the life of the servant who follows the Almighty, all powerful God?

Then there are other temptations that walk boldly into your life, dressed in folds of a passionate hunger, and you know exactly what they are, where they are from, and what they want from you. The only problem is that despite this, you want it just as badly…and in some frightening instances you find…you don’t care that it’s wrong.

And in these moments, you realize how lost you would be without God. Because even when you could not bring yourself to pray for deliverance from this situation, God stepped in and did it anyway. Because he loves and cares for his children that much...

I have experienced, again, God's love for me this week. It has been a crazy week full of testing, of trials, of temptation, and of old pain. But God stepped in and gave me power to be brave. He stepped in and cleared my mind. He stepped in and soothed my tears. So don't tell me that God isn't watching over every single one of us. Don't tell me that in this messed up, crazy world that there isn't a beautiful story behind all the actions of our lives. A magnificent story that God is helping author. Don't tell me that God doesn't step into the silly, messed up tangles of life we get ourselves into. Don't tell me he doesn't quietly, powerfully, sutbly, perfectly work everything out... Don't try and tell me this, because I won't believe you.

God is alive. God is watching over us. We may not understand why sometimes our blessings come through tears, and why we must hurt, and why this world brings such weariness... But God understands, and his love, unsearchable, is what we trust in. We will understand someday. But for today, I will trust that God knows best.

I am thankful this week for the quiet friends in my life. The ones who do not realize how much their precious words and protective spirits have meant to me. I am thankful for God's mercy. I am thankful for God's power to embolden my spirit. I am thankful for the cool breeze outside. I am thankful knowing that no matter what, I can always run into the arms of God.

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