But oh...he is very so handsome. The flicks of gold within his deep, auburn hair tousles boyish and carefree like his very spirit. I hear his playful, captivating laughter as it sets free every fear and trouble which burdens me; His secretive grin invites me into his world of adventures... dare I smile back? His eyes...his eyes set adrift my heart into regions beyond the compass of man—his dark, brown gypsy eyes enchant their way into my soul, the very center of my secret world. Oh goodness! Stay fast and true my beating heart, be not tempted to steal away into nights of forbidden dreams!
I assume he is a bewitcher of women's hearts...because he simply will not leave my mind. And, if it is true that he isn't even real than I give his spell casting talent even more credit being desirably captivating. For I don't usually fall for men who are figments of my imagination. I usually fall for men whose hearts are born in eras long ago; men whose minds are so easily captured by the romance of fantasy; men who can see the dragons walking about our own world, just as I see them...
Goodness! A pox upon me! Why! I do fall for imaginary men! What a ridiculous thing to do! Hm. I must go somewhere quiet now and ponder how silly I am... then, if the day is courageous and on my side I will attempt to draw together the fizzled out strings within my brain and, with all luck, become sane once more.
I have my doubts.
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