Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I can't wait to fall in love. Not that silly, juvenile love where you blindly think a man is going to fix all your problems. No, I am looking for someone different than that. I am waiting for my best friend. You know that feeling when you first start to like a person and when you think about them you feel that shiver of wild excitement run through you, toes to teeth? Or when just being around person sets your heart free and you realize every second you are blessed with this person are seconds of heaven, seconds of endless joy, seconds that change your life. And there will be no more wandering in that agonizing dance of "he loves me?" "he loves me not?" Because this time, he does love you forever and completely. I know God has someone amazing out there for me. I just must believe it. Some nights I wish he'd hurry up and find me. Someday I will be someone's first choice...and their last choice. I cannot wait <3

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