Friday, June 3, 2011

Lollapaloozas of the Day

I warn you: This blog entry is random and just plain full of nonsense. It is not for the stern and serious of heart! (You have been justly warned.) I firmly belief in my mind that everyone, every so once in a while, must seriously sit down and review all the things that make them wildly and ridiculously happy. I think everyone should ponder what delightful, random, wonderings have crossed upon their 24 hours of past life. It is a healthy does of medicine and I heartily recommend it to everyone!

Today I love:
1.        The word, “lollapalooza” obviously. Who could exist in this world without using once or twice the pretty and wonderful word? Lollapalooza is the personification of itself! 
2.        That “just before the dawn smell” not yet when the Arkansas sun has scorched all the scent from the earth. Today, tinged within the morning air was the faint, dusky smell of burnt wood. My senses felt energized drinking in the perfume of coming raining as it mingled playfully between the sequestered coolness and wild, tempting aroma of summer.  
3.        The baby bunny I saw as I left for work.
4.        The smell of laundry detergent. Is it insane that I can't wait to do my laundry?

Random Thoughts
 In epic soundtrack songs, when a dramatic chorus of people are singing as the music surges to that triumphant, mind blowing climax…what language are those people singing in? And even more, what are they saying? "Korah! Muta ta.." What!? What does that even mean! I would like to know…

I saw a bug crawl by today that was about the size of a small rodent. That is just wrong.

I once got very annoyed with a boy who use to take forever to text me back. Actually, about three boys, consecutively. And then the last boy who I use to text finally revolutionized they way I view texting. No! It is not a venue for OCD people to be enabled. No! People don't have to text you back immediately. No! You don't have to text them back immediately. Now, I usually put my phone on silent and enjoy not being startled by that disrupting vibration/annoying jingle. And I now feel more peaceful in my life.

I like to operate under the delusional title of “the All Seeing Eye.” No, not like evil Sauron from Lord of the Rings. I merely just like to notice things.

Yesterday, I saw a public safety guy fly pass me on a golf cart at six o'clock in the morning. I suddenly wished I had a horse, because I would definitely charge upon his "vehicle" and try to over turn it. Some times golf carts just look totally silly to me...and they need to be tipped over... like cows.

One day I was late for work. But it really wasn't my fault. I was passing the lily pond and it was filled with huge mountainous heaps of soap bubbles! In the silvery pre-dawn light, It looked like a magical cloud had fallen from the sky and plopped itself down upon our fountain. I just had to go play with it for a moment! 

I get a little creeped out when I go to our laundry building. It is always empty when I enter, yet I feel this weird, twilight zone sort of feeling when I go in. It's like there is a residual fingerprint of a soul left within this strange, silent air. Or perhaps, there is an unseen, parallel dimension--you know, an exact replica of our world, a mirror's reflection of you and me--and this laundry room is a place where the invisible borders have worn thin...and I can almost feel the presence of the people from the Other Side...

Or maybe I just have a wild imagination!

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