Friday, June 3, 2011

Oligarchy of the Mind

   Just a few months ago, the citizens of my mind, lets call them Jennians, revolted against the ruling oligarchy. You see, for many years now the burdened Jennians have been oppressed by a few, elite tyrants. Fear, doubt, disbelief—to name a couple. After years of being afraid, my people have stormed the dungeons and freed the army of Courage which Fear had long ago imprisoned. After nearly a lifetime of being controlled by Doubt, the brave Jennians attacked the throne room of this dark, existential ruler and sent him away to be torn apart by lions.  And as for the worm-tongued, nasty defeatist of a lair--Disbelief--well, I shall not tell you what the Jennians did to him. It is far too gruesome for a happy place like this. I shall just assure you this vile, loathsome creature shall think twice about trying to slither pass the borders of Jennie again.
No, Winston Churchill does not live in my mind. What a silly thought.

It has been a long journey for the Jennians. And it is far from over. But a new dawn is rising and my people are courageous for the battle ahead.  The revolutionaries have triumphed! They have torn down the high places of idolatry; no longer to be enslaved to these princes of the world. Victory for the Jennians!   

Down with the Oligarchy! 

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