Friday, July 1, 2011

As Post Graduate Blues Fade into Prettier Hues

Welcome to day 9316 of my life and day 195 of my freedom from all matters college-related. I feel so happy. And it is a restful, steady happiness. It is not feeling the rush or stress of trying to find peace or working really hard to accomplish things or even pushing myself to move through life. It is a kind of floating along feeling, a drifting bubble of unconcern and complete trust in my life. I’ve never felt like this before in my God. There was always school to dread, schedules to make, tests to study for, people to tolerate…but I feel the older I get the more sundered I feel from this type of lifestyle. It feels as if the race is over and won, the prize accomplished….and I now have the entirety of my awesome, beautiful, amazing life to look forward too.

Well, goodness, I feel quite powerful jubilation at such a sudden thought! It’s like this is the first year of the rest of my life! A fresh, new exciting book to dive into! Softly, with ill attempts to suppress  the bursting joy within, my heart rapturously suggests that not only am I no longer burdened by academic shackles and all the tortures that lie there in, but I have such new, inexperienced freedom awaiting ahead of me! If you have just graduated from college, it may be a little rough at first.

It may be full of confusion and ultimately, very lonely. I know those first few months I felt totally lost and never more "on my own" as then. But have faith! It gets better! And once you’ve plowed through the roughest parts, the shifting and adjusting, it will be even better than before! Life will settle and you will become older, wiser, and braver. And soon you’ll see, the depressing hues of blue will transform in the most illustrious and magnificent spectrum of brilliant colors!

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