Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why Life is Awesome #5

Why Michigan is ten million times better than Arkansas...
We have been home for a week and a half now and I must say: its been absolutely amazing. After such a hot, stupidly hot, summer this place is a drink of cool water. 
I've gotten new glasses so now I can see. I have gotten my teeth fixed so now the terror of my summer is over. I have restocked my bead supplies, played on the monkey bars, fallen in love again with my beautiful, quiet, amazingly handsome eye doctor, sold another piece of jewelry, and have eaten lots of pie. I have had an amazing time with my mom and sister--and it always seems after that initial "I can't live here!" clash of wills, attitude subsides I seem to actually feel rather happy here. 
I use to think I'd stay in Searcy longer...but I am beginning to change my mind. I am tired of it. I am tired of the fake sincerity I find down south. I am tired of the road systems, the lack of craft stores, the bugs the size of Texas...
I miss all the beautiful Great Lakes, the rugged landscapes, the cool breezes... I miss being around my family. I miss being so close to civilization. I miss my little cousins. 
I love my insane family...
Funny, I never thought I'd actually want to return here. But that summer in Searcy changed me. Home has been a changing thing over the years. We've drifted as nomads, never feeling settled, never feeling at home. But I am ready for that to change. I want to be home, wherever that might be. In one place. No more moving around. No more devastating problems. No more unhappiness. No more being divided. For the first time in nearly four years, I am ready to go home!
Michigan isn't nearly as sad and depressing as I remember fact it has been absolutely delightful and refreshing! It makes me wonder if such a thing is simply a matter of that case, one might be happy anywhere in the world if only they decide it to be that way!

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